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Friday, May 18, 2007
@ 11:27 PM
I am here again...
This past two weeks was tests week, last week was maths and chemistry...then this week was history and biology..both on consecutive days...
Next week will be chemistry SPA and finally, June "holidays".
i cut my hair...now it is quite short but the most sickening thing is the hairdresser cut my fringe so short that i look like a monkey...now it is better,mum say look more natural. Hehe...hopefully by next year it is long enough for japanese perm!!!
today is Shi Min's b-dae! i almost forgot to pass her her present this morning...haha...wat a forgetful sister..(cannot help it growing old now...17 alr)
S.H.E album is out!!!!! WAH!!!! it is so nice!!! Both Vivian and i agree that this album is their breakthrough...they really performed very well for this album...the song are very interesting(^-^)
Today..., i am really pissed off with you know who in class...just don't understand why he think things in such complicated way...the whole class understand how the class fund is spent-on lecture notes and tutorials. everyone understand that books and TYS' s money are collected separately..,they do not go to the class fund. why is that everyone else understand except HIM?
i think i explained to him for like 3 times then it goes through that thick skull of his. i vomit blood today. i understand how u guys felt...E, M, XP. then he QUESTIONED ME ," i thought the other time we collected blah blah amt, where did the money go to" oh please, we definitely spent it on tys.., it is state clearly in smses and conveyed clearly by ZJ. It sound as if he don't trust me as a treasurer,if the class agree that i am incompetent as a treasurer, then i will resign the post and he can be the next treasurer and understand how tough it is to keep track of funds. I am so pissed today.